Wednesday, May 19, 2010

(the end of the first chapter had to be amended.)

Undead Love Chapter 1 part: 3

“… and that’s why under no circumstance can you ever fall in love with your cousin.” , the girls companion concluded as she slightly eased herself along side her friend.
“Absolutely.” She agreed.
“Sometimes I swear, Katie” the friend continued, “you are the best listener.”

Undead Love Chapter 2 Part 1

The next day Katie was spacey. Fleeting memories of her dream involving a tiger and a taco bell built onto the back of her house kept her wondering, “What really happened last night?” She remembers talking to a strange musicians, but the encounter was so awkward that she’d rather the taco bell in her back yard than make of fool of herself like that. She found little motivation to drag herself out of her twin sized bed in her tiny one bedroom efficiency apartment. Today was the end of the fall semester and she was glad to be out of her school routine, but she found herself with little to do. So Katie did want she usually does when she finds herself in these situations. She picked up her phone and started dialing. The phone rang. The phone rang a third time. Katie lost her patience. She banged the wall behind her as she sat in her bed. The person on the other end of the telephone picked up. “You should really stop waking me up like that you know.” the person said.
“Anne, I’m bored.
“Yeah, but you don’t have bang on the wall.” Three thuds came from the other side of Katie’s wall. Katie’s friend Anne had the apartment beside Katie’s and both girls slept with their head to the same wall. The information came in handy when one needed to wake the other without inconveniencing the other.
“You were asleep”, Katie said.
“Yeah well, its 10 am, and you know I’m not a morning person.” Anne retorted.
“Well, I want to do something, I don’t know what it is, but I’ve been out of school for 12 hours and I am already bored. I need something to keep my mind off the fact that I have nothing to do. I need it to distract me from this impending…”
“Nothing…? You have nothing impending upon you!” Anne interrupted, “We can go shopping? I have little money and nothing in mind, but that’s never stopped us before. What do you want to shop for?”
Katie paused for a second and then answered. “A guitar.”

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